New user and the terminal

My first Linux distro was Ubuntu 17.10. After the installation, I tried to add a PPA. I typed password but nothing happened. No cursor move, no bullets or asterisks. I thought, something went wrong. I closed the terminal and repeated this process again and again. after few attempt, I typed the password and clicked on ENTER button by luck and installed the PPA.

Now I realized , it is a security mechanism to prevent the others near the user to guess the password length. But this is confusing for new users. If possible, give a hint that " password will invisible " in the terminal.

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Hi @arun.sebastian , First of all I’m happy to say welcome to Ubuntu Linux :wink:
You reminded me my first steps some years back and you make me smile. After installation, Google become your friend, and you are ready to run every command line someone gave you … :smile: …Ouch! – A big no no!!!
Been there, done that.
Anyway, there are two ways to go about it :slight_smile: :
Do all the mistakes of a new user and learn from them.
Do some reading, and some more, to have a bit more of the basics before you run for PPA’s or other things
that will come latter on.

In any of the two you choose, try to enjoy it fully :smile:

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Thank you for welcoming me to the community.:smiley:
You are absolutely right. Learning from mistakes improve our confidence.
This confidence help us to experiment new features and new things
Self-learning provides a feeling like " I achieved something great in technology world ". it’s thrilling. :sweat_smile:

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