Mir News: 14th of December 2018

And it’s the end of another week!

This week mainly saw what will hopefully be the final clean-ups for the Mir 1.1 release - fixing the “internal clients” that provide miral-shell's background (the gradient with help text) and the startup splash-screen spinner. I missed these because they have never worked on NVIDIA and so I forgot they were things that existed!

The EGL spinner was fixed by not rejecting EGL 1.5, but since the eglstream-kms platform does not support mirclient-using clients the others require porting from the Mir client API to Wayland.

The simple splash is done, but the background still requires a bit more work (as it needs to be a fullscreen surface per output, and needs to react to monitor hotplug and display resolution changes).

This work is well along, so I’m still hopeful for a before-Christmas Mir 1.1 release!


Mirry Christmas! :christmas_tree:
