Call for participation: an ubuntu default theme lead by the community?

The use of any kind of blue is out of place, imao. I would love it if the selected color in the side-bar was gray with orange text and the sliders progress bars ect. will be thin orange. Suru Icons have more then enough orange to shout “I’M UBUNTU” . My 2cents for the discution.


Like the activities button ?

Me too - I’m using the Plano theme in Gnome and it uses blue with the grey UI. Looks fantastic IMO.

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Hopefully I did it right… attaching I mean :smiley:


I think it’s more of a balance I colours . I don’t mind the blue but I do like the orange . For the blue to work better "and I would be happy to keep it " I think your proposal would work .

Harmonious is the word for me and another one is consistency… The blue is fine but not in this family :D…
I’m a dark theme person. Using VERTEX-DARK most of the time. Dark gray with blue. I love it, but not in this orange light theme. Just my opinion.

Good point. Let me ping David Callé about it (it seems he doesn’t have a hub account).

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What about ubports. They may have a bit of stuff too.

Absolutley stunning implementation so far - great work. I am loving the transparency in menu bar. This may be the best gtk theme availible allready. The orange underline is very good visible on light and dark backgrounds btw


why don’t we try the blue around the window spread apps instead of the grey ?

Are we really going to keep these buttons like this or is it a work in progress?

That is allready fixed with the latest update

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@jasonflindt Why don’t you end with trying to fit blue into ubuntu theme ? There are multiple other colors that might fit well into the theme, just stop trying to fit blue. It’s ugly.

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OOPS My bad . sorry everyone i for got to log out and back in . Much much better now .

Wow . Last up date has some huge improvements.
The troublesome gap and step under the activities text have too. WooHoo.
Great work everybody and thankyou.


Wow, the new transparency looks so nice! Please, please, please never ever change that again :wink:


I appreciate your passion but please try to keep the discussion civil and constructive.

We’re all volunteers, it’s in the name of the theme. We put time in this project because it’s fun, so please make sure it stays fun. :unicorn:


I think that will be better delete transparency at all. With this new theme transparency looks a little alien.

What about the new ubuntu color scheme you showed here:
Is there a chance to use these colours? Especially the blue for focus?

And yes, the theme looks now worse. The shadow is to strong for this transparency. No material with this transparency would make such strong shadows.
And what happened to the “stackswitcher” in nautilus? Now it looks broken. how it was before it fit perfectly to the suru-style. The black lines between the buttons do not look good.

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@c-lobrano @luxamman @madsrh
Imho the dotted lines on scrollareas feel a bit “outdated”, though they come from adwaita I believe.
Any chance you could replace them with a simple shadow?


Mock (my shadow looks kind of lame, no idea how I can make it look better)


I agree with you. The better will be shadow for solid panel, and transparency panel without shadows. About the nautilus stackswitcher was better in previous design.