Call for participation: an ubuntu default theme lead by the community?

I like the passion you show towards Ubuntu, but

LTS needs stability, even from a UI point of view.

Unity wasn’t old fashioned at all (quite the opposite, but unfortunately not everyone agreed :frowning_face: and that’s said by someone who didn’t agree at the beginning :wink: )

I think they requires almost the same effort

Here you’re making it look too easy :smiley: “just” changing the colors won’t work as you expect.

This work will be available, does it really matter if it “kills” Ambiance or not?

plan B that does not contain ambiance and humanity-icons.

This Plan B is already here. I can easily switch to Adwaita whenever I want. I simply don’t understand


What about using the theme used from Ubuntu-gnome?
I personally like Adwaita and I agree with it being shipped. The Ubuntu-gnome theme imho was a good theme based on Adwaita.
I would really like to see the community theme shipped as the default but if it is not ready it could deam the whole Disto as cheap and second rate. So why risk it? Let’s ship when it’s ready .
For an lts release it should be released with a theme that has lts support . Adwaita, Ubuntu-gnome theme or ambiance all need to have the lts support.
Some more questions for all .
Is Adwaita going away ?
Does ambiance cost more resources to maintain than Adwaita?
Can we ship Adwaita Dark as well ?
What’s happening with radiance?
Would we consider an alternative icon theme if suru isn’t ready ? eg pop .

Plan B is meant for the default-theme. And no, you cant switch easily to adwaita. Well, YOU can but the normal enduser has no idea how to install the gnome-session. he uses what he gets and when he does not like it he takes something new. please think about the normal enduser too. he does not understand codes. he even buys a new pc when windows gets “slow”.
It seems i am misunderstood. i was not attacking the communitheme-team. I was attacking the idea of keeping ambiance the next 5 years. but you explained me now that it is complicated to change the colours of adwaita.

We all want this, but to be realistic, I think this is what you should expect:

18.04 will ship with an updated Ambiance theme by default. The community theme can easily be installed and will look and feel complete but lack enough testing for an LTS release.

The community theme team (easy for me to say :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) will strive by devoting every free hour of our free time, to make the theme so ready that it would be silly not to ship it by default. In case we don’t make it, expect Ambiance and rest comfortably knowing that Canonical values stability (and tested usability) over beauty (that can easily be changed).
Have you been using Ubuntu long enough to remember when PulseAudio shiped? Lesson learned and applied to the same dilemma with X and Wayland - better dusty and stable than shiny and broken :+1:

In the community theme team we really want help from developers with bug fixing. We have a great team - we just don’t have a lot of time :grinning:


i wrote @isantop a message and asked him if he can help. he made the pop-theme and his technical know-how should be a great help. i will check for bugs and upload more pictures to the ubuntu culture showcase for possible wallpapers. this is what i can do. i am looking forward to 18.04. communitheme is already my default. thank you for your work!


What’s with all the negative posts in here?
Report bugs on GitHub or ask politely if a designer likes your ideas.
Really great work so far. I think it was a very good decision to lock some threads to designers only :slight_smile:


You can always go to the bug report and say it affects you too.

Heh, now you understand why I created this subsection for the project :slight_smile:
I think we have the correct balance of “focused topics on work” while still giving easy feedback from the wider community.

On the debate itself about default, everything about stability, not changing for the sake of changing, better to give a good first impression by shipping a ready-theme instead of destroying his wramp up by shipping it half-finished (I remember of a lot of projects dragging bad reputations because having been shipped too early…) and such… have been already shared by the Communitheme Team. I’m glad we are sharing the same values :slight_smile:


I may not agree with all the moves and suggestions but one thing I can see we all should agree on is the theme be it Adwaita , community-theme or ambiance needs to be rock solid stable.

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That’s really sad to hear and at somewhat odds with the way something aiming to be part of the default experience in Ubuntu should be developed.


I don’t think people giving opinions and feedback (even if they differ from your own) on something they are interested in is “negative”, not in the slightest. Discussion is an important part of an open development process.

And, frankly, for a project like Ubuntu which is built on community it is important that the community gets a chance to provide feedback and ask questions about something that affects them.

Let’s not advocate a return to failed “skunkworks” approach of a few years back.

Anyone is free to create a separate “praise the designers” thread if they don’t want to see/participate in discussion.


If you scroll up and read through all of those “feedback”-posts you may agree, that the level of unrespectful language went up a little bit over the past days. Keep in mind that the community design team does all of this work in their free time.
Could we get ontopic again and either provide feedback or suggest design ideas?

I agree with @toptus011 that the little line between items in the gtk stackswitcher looks a bit out of place, though I did not update from ppa since 1 day. I think there were some nice other ideas on that in the mock-up thread


Kindly reminder from the mean, mean moderators:

  1. Stay on-topic, please.
    Anyone who wishes to discuss meta, please start a new thread.
    Side-discussions are welcome…in PM or a new thread. Discourse makes these easy. Use them.
    ‘Thanks’ or ‘+1’ or ‘agree’ comments are replaced by the heart icon. Please use it.

  2. This is not a random argument opinion forum. Your posts here matter to the future of Ubuntu.
    Posts should add value to the discussion.
    Posts should comply with the Code of Conduct
    Posts should encourage collaboration

Or else…


The activities spread shortcut is the <Super> key. It’s a little redundant as a view, since both it and the app spread present the search interface (which seems to be much more important than either), and both it and conventional <Alt> + <Tab> and the dock provide application focus management. As you say, the only thing Activities brings to the party is workspace managment. But, of critical importance, is remaining on that close-to-upstream GNOME experience, so Activities needs to stay (unless a user decides to hide it).

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In fairness, it’s not helpful, because design can’t be crowd-sourced. A committee, or other variety of collaborative/collective work, is not the same as having a thousand cooks in the kitchen who’re all picky eaters.


That’s the thing, and in upstream they don’t have the dock viewable all the time, and just having the keyboard shortcut isn’t really enough since there needs to be something clickable for newer users to use (too much to expect them to use a keyboard shortcut) but that’s not entirely relevant when the dock is on the desktop.

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I believe the hit corner should be returned too . If the option of the apps button is not going to be re-introduced then there should be little in the way of accidental triggering of activities.

With activities hot corner off by default I don’t think the text tells the user to click here . Should we trial an icon instead ? unnamed (1)!unnamed

I, personally, do not want the activities hotcorner enabled by default. IMO, it just brings back Vietnam flashbacks of Windows 8. Just from using the pure, vanilla gnome session I accidentally activated it many times, which will effect accessibility. If the community really wants this feature as default, then I support it 100%. Just a personal preference of something that I will disable on my machine.

I also think we should keep the Adwaita port as an alternative to the CommuniTheme (which should be enabled by default).

We thought about an icon for “activities”. Ideally it’s very similar to the Windows 10 “window spread” icon. This will definitely be revisited in the future, so stay tuned.

About the hot corner: We want to prevent users from accidentally triggering it because it will be very confusing for them. I remember some research about this a while ago: users don’t realize what triggered the new screen and they don’t know how to go back. Edit: that might actually have been about the Windows 8 hot corners, but still applicable here

Ideally we want users to discover these features consciously, and we want to guide new users towards them. Some work is being done around this by the pop_os folks and iirc, upstream Gnome is also working on the “welcome new user” workflow. However, that is far out of the scope for the theme :wink: