Some thoughts on the Ubuntu Community

Ubuntu Community

I’ve been at the outskirts of the Ubuntu Community now for a few years, and some observations:

I’m very impressed, and have been for years. I’ve always felt the flaw with communities is that they involve [imperfect] people; but I’ve found the Ubuntu community warm, welcoming and forgiving.

I like the passion I’ve seen, I love the willingness to help & offer guidance when people can. I’ve seen I think most positive characteristics us [flawed-] people have for each other in this Ubuntu community, including compassion, loyalty, respect, honesty, mentoring, tolerance, courtesy, generosity and more.

What prompted this ‘need’ to put some thoughts to paper is the IRC community, who are willing to help & “hand-old” frightened (and regularly angry/frustrated/…) people to get their data back, providing in abudance their skill and time, and particularly great patience.

But I’ve seen this in other support forums too, plus social media, and felt the benefits myself as I’ve attempted to [in-expertly] contribute something back too [in areas unrelated to support]. Many of my listed positive-characteristics I’ve felt more in non-support roles, so this ‘statement’ is not limited to only support.

A big Thank you to everyone in the Ubuntu Community.


How long have you been “at the outskirts” of the Ubuntu Community?

My first contrib for UWN was #425 which is July 6-12, 2015.

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