Call for participation: an ubuntu default theme lead by the community?

I was really excited to release some new improvement on the Yaru dark variant theme, however, due to technical issues, we won’t be able to release the stable channel today :frowning:

Edge channel is affected by the same problem, however it is ahead respect stable and so you can test some of the content we worked on this week. Waiting for your feedback :wink:


We made it, at last!

The Yaru team is happy to announce a new stable release!

This week we made a lot of improvements on the dark variant, let us know your opinion :wink:

  • checked buttons in headerbar, dialog, notification and hotplug fully flat
  • reduced differences from upstream to simplify future upgrades
  • improved dark and light radio/check buttons backdrop and insensitive states
  • improved dark Nautilus tabs (as well generic notebook tabs), in order to make it more similar to Gnome-terminal
  • Suru Icon refresh
  • improved dark pathbar

and thanks @didrocks for fixing the build :smiley:


This release has just been uploaded to Cosmic as well! :slight_smile:


Hi everyone. Good job on the Yaru theme. It is a very nice refresh.
I’m worried about the logon screen background however. Is the purple the final color or is this a placeholder?
Has it been considered to use a background similar to the concept which was presented much higher in this thread?
I’m currently doing something similar to the concept in 18.04 by using a similar jpg file in ubuntu.css. It looks much more polished than the 18.04 default and than the 18.10 purple. Remember that the logon screen is the first screen a user sees. Shouldn’t it be amazing?


I agree! Sadly, gnome shell is a) a little bit limited when it comes to special effects and b) it needs to look good on any resolution down to 1360xno… wait… I think even lower…
Peek 2018-09-08 17-25


I think we will keep this purple until the new GNOME login screen hits ubuntu

Edit: but if you have ideas, just post them here. Most of the ideas we implemented came out of this thread

Edit 2: if your idea with the image works on different resolutions, I personally interested in the implementation!

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Is it just me or doesn’t system-monitor pick up the new suru icon in cosmic any more?

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Yes I noticed this, too in 18.04 with the calculator snap. I wonder why this happens :frowning: Maybe it was build without the plug to Suru (I have really not the slightest idea how snaps work)

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In cosmic (thus without the snap) gnome-calculator is fine. Just gnome-system-monitor leaves out the suru icon in the shell, but shows it in the “about” dialog. Strange.

Since I can not answer in the “Theme-refresh topic” here Yaru-dark-variant , I want to add that I have an almost finished/functional Gtk2 dark variant. Not much to do but certainly not ready yet.
I can clean it, zip-it as is and hopefully some one can HELP with the finishing touches needed.

Some samples :

I’m slow and it’s a time consuming for a non coder as I am.
Anyway, I’ll have a dark variant to use with Ubuntu 18.10 for sure but if you want/can to help finish it I’ll be more then happy to share it .


Maybe you can already do a PR with your current changes so that further merge will be smaller? That’s fine to land WIP if that’s functional (and already better than before, no support at all ;))

Also: note that UIF is this week (Thursday), so it needs to be merged tomorrow and on Wednesday morning at the latest to cut it for 18.10


Wow thank you! This is a good surprise :slight_smile:

Is a PR realistic or should we find other ways to use your code?

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:smile:… I PM-ed a dropbox link to @madsrh just now. I invited you as well.

@mozit there’s a problem with the package you shared

basically scale-horz-trough.png seems to be a link to another file instead that a proper file. Could you fix that?

EDIT: moreover, are you sure GTK2 accepts .svg files? I see only .png file in current version.

I believe (but I might be wrong) you should have changed the pictures inside assets.svg (and eventually assets-external.svg) file(s), instead that create a new .svg file for each element. Does this make sense?

I’m almost sure it’s something I forgot to delete while cleaning the code. I’ll check it later today and let you know. .
svg is working just fine.

Not sure I understand what do you mean, so probably I didn’t do that :slight_smile:

EDIT : I chedked, You can delete that link safely.

Not sure I understand what do you mean, so probably I didn’t do that :slight_smile:

In your new package there is a long list of new .svg files, more o less one for each widget (e.g. arrow-blank.svg for arrow-blank.png). I assume you changed the aspect of the widgets file by file generating those new .svg.

Now, if you download Yaru project, you should see a file gtk/src/gtk-2.0/assets.svg which contains all the widgets in svg format. As far as I understood (or at least, is what I did last time), one is supposed to modify the widgets inside this file, then we can use the script to generate the .png files for each asset to be used inside gtkrc and the others *.rc files

Being svg, I suspect I can move your new files inside the general assets.svg, however, I will hardly make it on time for tomorrow :frowning:

Sorry for the mess I did. I’m not skilled enough to do it the right/easier way.
Now if you look at the main.rc file you will notice that the assets used are both .png and .svg. Can’t you use them as they come? - I mean, should you convert them to .png’s? .
Novice here - so my question is as stupid probably… :man_shrugging:
In my Yaru-dark folder I have Gtk-2.0 folder… The one i sent to you, and it simply works. That’s all to it in my way of doing things - That’s why I’m not in the production table and can’t do my PR’s.

If that works, probably gtk2 accepts svg too, but we should keep the same file names, extension included :frowning:

I mean, it’s not a mess, the content is there, just not in the right format I am afraid :smiley:

Sorry but I was calling for help recoloring assets, in few occasions. It was not a priority and no one picked up the glove.
I’m personally using the Yaru-dark theme and will do it all along - I’m a dark-theme person. When asking about dark theme the answer was - yes! but only for applications that needs it. OK… That was then…and now, we are going to the last minute without it. I have Yaru-dark theme for myself. unfinished, but eventually will be.
The one I submitted was the raw unfinished. Hopefully will make it’s way to the default Yaru-dark theme.

*Please don’t read it as criticism, I’m just telling my side of it.

I’m sad with all other Dark-theme lovers out there right now.

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Sorry but I was calling for help recoloring assets, in few occasions. It was not a priority and no one picked up the glove.

I am sorry myself about this, but as we often said, we are short on numbers and we needed more people to take care of dark theme too. I know you’re happy with your Yaru-dark gtk2, however as you said, it is unfinished.

Not sure whether there is a misunderstanding or what, but we tried at the last time to release a full and independent Yaru-dark, however, the dark theme is just one setting ahead even in Yaru, writing the following content inside file ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini


hope this could mitigate the sadness of dark-theme lovers :blush:


That is correct! - You guys had a lot on your plate and you deserve our appreciation for what you achieved so far.

I’m enjoying the Yaru-dark as a whole! - The gtk3 first of all, and my unfinished gtk2 that make it more complete.

The good old setting.ini method is going to serve us until it will be possible hopefully to SRU-it in sometime soon :slight_smile:

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